My guy, Little L, is very different from my T. He is ALL BOY and has been from day 1! He just turned 3 in Nov. so he's most definitely out of the baby stage and slowly but surely working his way out of the toddler stages. So much so, that he ALMOST has more attitude than my daughter. We are potty training NOW and when that's accomplished, Shrek will be coming to get his "binkies" and will take them to the SWAMP. Those of you who know us, know about that plan and know that little L is not exactly happy with that idea. In fact, when that does happen, it may actually end his Shrek obsession. (doubt it) That said, Little L has such a sweet demeanor and is a true cuddle bug, but on his bad days he can be a handful!!
This is his "I'm mad because I couldn't do it FIRST" pose. | | | | |
"Hmm, I don't wanna" |
"Not another picture, Mom!" |
When asked to smile, this is what I got, after saying "L, give me your happy face!" |
Bieber Fever Hair in full effect, wouldn't you say?? |
His big sister T has done a great job lately with setting an example of how to show love and compassion even when things aren't going the way they want and they aren't agreeing. While I was snapping the above^ photos, T was sweetly encouraging L to 'listen to Momma.' It's is so neat to see them interact with each other (when they are not fighting).
At the end of the day, whether it's little L giving momma a hard time, or whether T&L aren't agreeing about which toys are worthy of sharing or whether they are both tattling on each other ... there is one thing about those two that stays consistent every single day despite the sibling conflicts....
"Look Mom, we're snuggling!" |
Their LOVE for each other!! And I couldn't be happier as a mom with two kiddos who are 17 months apart!!! I'll take the "ALL BOY" behavior and the girly DIVA attitude any day!! Have a great one! Live, Laugh LOVE and ALWAYS be YOU!!!