Got her backpack! |
Her BIG day! |
Moral Support! |
Ready to learn!!! |
So, my baby girl started Pre-School today. Despite a rather stressful morning, I managed to get her ready and get her to school for her first day. It was totally chaotic as all the newbies file in, crying, sad faces and clinging to their mommies and daddies! My cute Taylor is in shock at all the tears and begins to look very nervous. I quickly distract her by asking her to find her name on the rocket ship. She find it and places it on the board and her teacher places her name tag on her little chest.... TAYLOR. Such a big girl.... she looks up at me and says "Mommy, I'm gonna miss you!" My reply was, "I know, Mommy will miss you too but I'll be back real soon!" She sits down and precedes to play with toys like all her other classmates. I say, "bye Dee,"Have Fun!" She is so brave and such a big girl!! She has never been afraid of adjusting and though it takes her a while to open up, she handles separation so well. As I walked away,(Landon in tow screaming, b/c he didn't want to leave his sister and wanted to play), I was ONE PROUD MOMMY!!!! Report for her first day.... She had FUN!!!!!
brother sisterly LOVE!! |
lovin' it |
so happy to be big enough to ride! |
you can only see L but T was on other side! |
Expressions are what make a photo! |
just love these two! |
Love these shoes! and of course the kid in them! |
Craig and I spent our Labor day weekend dating, talking, kissing, hugging, loving, living, and most of all laughing!! Watching our two little gifts from God running from ride to ride in complete excitement and seeing the gigantic smiles on their faces while riding the rides at the Adventure park made us feel all giddy inside!!! We always strive to make our children happy and we them want to experience everything in life!! Our kids are 4 and 2 1/2... no they haven't yet been to Disney, Discovery Cove, on a cruise, to an island, over seas, to D.C. or to most of the monumental places this beautiful world has to offer. But it's pretty spectacular how a simple ride on a Ferris Wheel, that moves maybe 5mi per hour, can bring such joy to their hearts, and laughter to their faces!!! One day, in time, we hope to visit some of those beautiful places with our children. But, until then, we will marvel in their happiness at a town carnival(especially when it's permanent, LOL)!!!

Somehow I convinced my husband to trust my decision on ordering a lens. It didn't look legit... so I, of course, did some research and found that it is not in fact a lens, but a macro 10x10 'lens adapter'. My thought immediately was "okay, so it's a beater cheater." I can't afford the 'real deal' macro lens so I decided to give this a whirl. Much to my surprise, it works pretty darn good. I mean clearly, a 'souped up' macro 'official' lens would be 100x better, but hey, I need to save up to buy my camera first and a couple of other 'souped up' lenses before I get too crazy(not to mention, my well is pretty dry, lol) . So my little 'beater cheater' will have to do!! These shots are some of my outcomes!! Pretty nice, right? I think so!!! So, I'm happy!!! Live, Laugh, Love and ALWAYS be YOU!!!! Cheers!!
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