Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Waiting on the LAST Message!!!

At some point duty will be calling for our family as it does for all the other military families out there and now that we have children, it will take a whole lot of prayer, strength and patience to get through it. We are ready for the challenge and I have planned alot of activities for T&L and for myself to keep us busy while Daddy is at work.

I had the idea of creating a message jar that will include massages from daddy for each day he will be away. Everyday, we will decide what time of day we will draw a message from the jar that daddy has hand written and read it. That way the kids will know that daddy is thinking about them and they will hear familiar words from Daddy. While he was away in training last Summer, we tried the "Kiss from Daddy" where we filled a jar with Hershey Kisses. While receiving a "Kiss" from daddy  was fun each day, it quickly got old as the kids really didn't want to eat them. That's a good thing right? But we still needed a count down for their excitement and for my own sanity!! So THIS idea will be perfect because for one, it's a little more healthier (I guess), and for two it's personalized from Daddy's heart!! #3 BONUS, as the messages start to deplete, we are one day closer to Daddy's homecoming. AND when we read his LAST message, he'll be HOME!!!! We'll be soooo happy when that message day arrives!!!!

T&L's Nana Nana sent this super cute book for us too and I highly recommend it to any families out there who have loved ones who are called to duty. We have "The Night Before Christmas" read by Nana Nana in GA and one read by Nana in TX and the kids really enjoy hearing their voices read them a story!!! So I know that they will certainly love being read to every night by Daddy with this book "All the ways I Love You." You can find out more about it HERE

I don't know if I am physically and mentally prepared for when his duty trip arises, but one thing I DO know is that I have God, my family, and friends. And I am certain that our Message Jar and our Recordable Story book will provide the assurance of Daddy's love for our kids!!

GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS!!!! We support you, appreciate you and most of all we LOVE you!! FREEDOM isn't FREE!!!

Live, Laugh, Love and ALWAYS be YOU!!!! Cheers-- TLC

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