Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's a Trip... Make the Best of it!!

We are in Iowa. I have never been to Iowa and it's kinda strange that we are here but it's also very fun as new adventures for our family break up the monotony. Since my husband will be called to duty over seas very soon, and he had this TDY (temporary duty) scheduled, he decided to pack up the family and bring us along. T and L are always up for a trip. We prepare them days before to let them know that we will be traveling in the car for along time so that they aren't surprised when the car doesn't stop. We also tell them where we are going and we talk alot about the state and the cities we will visit. This time T especially enjoyed helping mommy pick up snacks for the long ride to "Ierla" aka Iowa!!

Yesterday was our official first day here and we had a great time. As soon as the kids saw the INDOOR POOL that was it. I barely got them to eat breakfast before it was constant begging for a swim. They really liked the fact that the pool was warm(so did Mommy) and even better, there was another one right next to it that was like a bath!! Way cool to them!!!! We had a great time and Mommy even enjoyed some much needed water aerobics.

After an hour of swimming, I dried up my little pruned up kiddos and we headed to lunch which was not very good to say the least. I won't mention where we went but I will say I was disappointed since I had never been there and was excited to try it out.

The next couple of hours were spent back at the hotel until daddy was home from work. Unfortunately, Mommy still has to keep up a somewhat normal routine despite living in a hotel room for a week. We try to keep mealtimes, nap times and bedtimes the same but there are alot of compromises!!!

When you have a toddler that has to nap and a toddlerish BIG girl that doesn't nap, what do you do?? Well, here's what we did while ALL the lights were off in the room.

I pulled out my camera and snapped some self portraits in the bathroom because after all, it was the only place we could have light!!!!

Can you tell I was having fun!!!! I'm not a 'self portrait' kinda girl, I tend to stay on the other side of the lens making other people look fabulous, but being goofy in front of the mirror sometimes is good for the soul!! (and it makes for great practice)

T also joined me in the bathroom since there wasn't anything else to do. I tried to pose her in some of the shots with me. That went over like a ton of bricks... as you can see!!!

What she was doing was WAY more interesting than another photo op with Mommy!!

 Clearly, Cut The Rope is waay cooler than coloring or quiet time resting, wouldn't you agree?!?!!?

Once L woke up and Daddy returned from work, our day ended with spending time with the family(mommy stopped in a neat camera store to browses some awesome camera equipment which was super exciting), cruising the CR, Iowa Mall,  having yummy dinner and back to our temporary 'home.'

I will update later this week on how our short visit to Iowa unfolds. So far, we are really enjoying our time despite the inconveniences of living in a hotel room.  Not to mention, there's something to be said about a man who drags his family with him across country for a business trip and puts up with all the madness of family on the road!!!! Dedication!!! Love you Honey!!!

Live, Laugh, Love and always be YOU!! Cheers-- TLC

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