Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Silence in my house means there is something going on.... especially when my daughter Taylor is in sight and my son Landon is not!!!! And when he doesn't answer, you know it's probably bad!!

I often find myself letting things build and build until I just let it all out! I tend to take my frustrations out on other people and fail to realize the real issues lie within myself. I am working on my strengths AND on my weaknesses and finding better ways to release the 'pressure' if you will.

Tonight was one of those nights where I called for Landon and SILENCE. "Landon"...."Landon"... "LANDON!!!!" Finally, through the door of his room upstairs I hear... "right here" I walk upstairs to his room (I just knew I would find a major catastrophe or disaster) and there he was, as pretty as you please playing with his Jack-In-The-Box toy that my Grama gave him the last Christmas she was with us. Just as cute as ever.... he would wind and wind and when Jack(clown) would jump out, he'd jump in excitement and smile ear to ear just gleaming!!! It just melted my heart!!! It was amazing to see the magic a little toy in a box could create!!! He could've sat there for hours being entertained by the thrill of a simple toy.

It's not always about teaching. We often fail to realize the lessons that we can learn from our children as well. It's the little things, and the simple pleasures that make their day!!! I need to remember that when I let frustrations build up until I burst with anger!! I need to be thankful for being able to share in their joy!!! Maybe I need burst with excitement and thrill that I have such a beautiful life and family. Or maybe I need to burst with surprises, love and happiness instead of being upset when I get boiled and hot!! If a Jack-In-The-Box can bring that much joy, imagine what a little extra tender, love and care can bring. I need to remember that those moments of anger are not as important as the moments that I have with my kids. Before I know it, I'll be wishing for the messes to clean, for the all day "Mommy, I love you's over and over and over, movies to loop, and believe it or not, I'm going to miss the why's and buts!!! Life's too short, don't miss the experience!! I love them with all my heart and I make sure they know that every single day!!!!

Live, Laugh, Love and ALWAYS BE YOU!!! --TLC

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