Friday, September 10, 2010

Glad it's over.....

We as for a Friday, it wasn't a very good one!! 1. I was up until two trying to keep my cat from scratching on the laundry room door(his punishment for urinating on our brand new couches is he is to sleep in LR until we can trust he won't do it again). He hates it!!! 2. I was woken up EARLY by an energetic 4yo who was ready to start her day with full, 100 mile-an-hour conversations. 3. my unsuccessful search for an open door continues!!! 4. I strolled around the mall today (after Landon had his 'fun with mommy' play time and ice cream cone) looking at all the things that I would LOVE to have-- don't really need-- but really really want!! 5. we have been under storm warnings and I HATE STORMS!! Especially when I'm ALONE!! AND-- 6. My husband didn't come home this weekend! :(  Why did I stop at 6 and why not just go to 10?? Well because  today wasn't really THAT bad. There were great parts, actually, like when Taylor was excited about going to school and afterward she told me me she had soo much fun! When Landon was excited about playing and ice cream. Or when the kids and I surfed the web looking at Halloween costumes and Care Bears. When Taylor sneaks a hug and kiss and says "Mommy, I love you." When Landon smells me and says "mmmm... you smell like gum, Mommy." (he loves to smell things like me and is always in tune to the way things smell) and when I was able to actually see my hubby via Skye that I JUST downloaded!! What a cool feature!!!! That was fun!!! Soo, all in all it wasn't sooo bad, but I sure am glad it's over.... I'm tired... I love my kids.... I love my husband.. and at the end of the day, I am thankful to have been blessed enough to have TODAY!!!!  Have a great weekend!!!!  Live, Laugh, Love and BE YOU!! Cheers!!!

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